12 Apr Easter 🐣 2020
This may be the first Easter that many of us are experiencing what it really means to have faith, hope, compassion, and love for the people in our community.
Often we come on to our devices merely to share an image of the “perfect” edited, timed, placed, angled photo trying to portray a life that’s more about a show versus reality.
In this time of self isolation it gives us an opportunity to take a break and rvu late what life is truly about…family, love, compassion, and selflessness for others beyond ourself.
Remember as you enjoy your candy and baskets that the Easter Egg symbolizes our ability to break out of the hardened, protective shell we’ve surrounded ourselves with…
Easter is a rebirth out of spiritual adversity causing us to become new
As is this time of self isolation, I have hope that we renew our faith, hope, love, and selflessness for people in our communities.
A focus on what matters most, our humanity.
As always, feel free to contact me directly at cancergeek@gmail.com
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