19 Aug Podcast relaunch – observations: at the end of the day
Over the past few weeks I have been working on revising the “Observations at the N of 1” universe.
Part of that universe is the podcast.
In working with my partner in crime, AJ, he threw out a great idea…bring in two other diverse voices into the podcast and change the format. So that is exactly what we did!!
I am extremely excited about the new format.
Each of us will be bringing an article or a theme that we saw recently in the news, on social media, in the hospital, or in our own social circles. So each week there will be three different subtopics with a consistent theme. Each of us will share our own observations and lead a discussion sprinkled with a dash of constructive conflict.
We have already begun recording and I can say the first few episodes are great.
So who is going to be joining me on the podcast?
I will be joined by my longtime friend and insightful AJ. He asks great questions, is not biased by being educated in medicine (or healthcare), and has a great perspective on the world at large. Plus, he is really good at giving my grief about my own idiosyncrasies.
In addition to AJ, we will be introducing a new person to the social media and podcast universe, but you will have to “tune in” to find out the name of that person. I can say this person has “clinical training” in radiation oncology and has a wonderful scientific mind.
The name has evolved too.
AJ was quick to point out that often I end most of my posts and dialogue with, “At the end of the day…” and since we are collectively a N of 3, it makes sense to name the podcast as such, Observations: At The End of the Day.
This is where we break the 3rd wall and involve you before we launch.
Album art.
Our two options are below.
If you could take a moment and please leave us a comment below, send me a tweet at @Cancergeek or find my post on IG, I would love for your “observation at the N of 1” to help select which album art will represent the new podcast: At The End Of The Day.
As always feel free to email me at cancergeek@gmail.com or follow me on Twitter and Instagram as CancerGeek
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