21 Oct October Brings…RadXX
Many of us are familiar with all of the wonderful things that come with the month of October.
Cooler weather, the leaves changing color, picking apples, pumpkin patches, hayrides, and the coming of Halloween.
What many of you may not be aware of is that it also brings something else that is exciting, valuable, and an opportunity to highlight the many wonderful leaders that are focused on creating and elevating diversity within the medical imaging and imaging informatics community.
RadXX was an initiative that was created in 2016 driven by Dr. Geraldine McGinty and Ambra Health. The first in-person gathering occurred during RSNA in November of 2016.
During the in-person meeting, there are awards highlighting and recognizing the achievements of women in the field of medical imaging. RadXX awards also acknowledge the men and women who have helped and supported women in medical imaging and informatics.
There are 4 RadXX categories: Trailblazer. Advocate. Rising Star. Champion.
The RadXX Trailblazer recognizes a pioneering women leader in imaging informatics.
The RadXX Advocate award is open to both men and women who have helped to support and further the advancement of women in imaging informatics.
The RadXX Rising Star award highlights the next generation of emerging women leaders in imaging informatics.
The RadXX Champion award recognizes individuals who have helped to sponsor the career development of women in imaging informatics.
I have been fortunate to be present at every RadXX gathering during RSNA.
I have been privileged to be invited, welcomed, and to spend time with many of the amazing leaders. Each and every time I learn so much about the challenges, the opportunities, and the amazing work being done by so many in the field of imaging informatics and radiology as a whole.
I’m always impressed by work being done today to pave the way for the future of delivering medical imaging at the N of 1.
From Dr. Tessa Cook as a principal developer for the open-source CT dose monitoring software called RADIANCE to Dr. Judy Gichoya in incorporating FHIR images into an open-source EMR to Dr. Nina Kottler and her work in creating and implementing AI (machine learning) tools for Radiology Partners.
It is where I shared with Dr. Cheri Canon that I believed that the future of medicine depended on female leadership. (Click here for video)
So before you begin your week take a moment and check out the website for RadXX and please, consider nominating a colleague, a radiologist, or another individual that is truly doing their part to help advance, impact, and elevate women in the imaging informatics.
Nominations are now open: https://radxx.ambrahealth.com/radxx-awards/
Remember, making an impact in elevating the career of a women leader in imaging informatics happens at the N of 1.
That impact scales N of 1 to a N of millions because of all the medical images she will review and patients she will diagnose over her career.
We have the power to all make a scaleable difference.
A power that begins at the N of 1.
Please email your comments, thoughts, questions, or ideas to me directly at cancergeek@gmail.com. You can also find me on Twitter and Instagram.
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