A new article that was published yesterday on CNNmoney.com is talking about Cyberknife and its effectiveness in treating prostate cancer. They announced yesterday that more then a 1000 men have now been treated with their Cyberknife technoology for prostate cancer. In a former blog of mine, I discuss more about what is Cyberknife, and how it works. You can find that post in my Archives, or follow this link: Cyberknife.   In my article discussing Cyberknife...

In a new article that is going to be released in the Nov. 1, 2007 edition of Cancer,     an Interdisciplinary International Journal of the American Cancer Society, there is new research being published on the effects of diet and medication in the prevention of Prostate Cancer in men. The research is being conducted by Dr. Neil Fleshner and Dr. Alexandre Zlotta from the University of Toronto.     These researchers are stating that certain medications that are available...

A new article was just published by Dr. Laurel Northouse, PhD from the University of Michigan that studied the effect of  Prostate Cancer diagnosis on the patients' spouse. This might sound like common sense to most of us, what affects one spouse affects the other spouse as well. In this study, the depths of the distress and worry seen in the spouses sugges that they often need more help then what they are currently getting.                ...