A new article was published in the current issue of JAMA Pediatrics. (Abstract here) It was a retrospective look at children under the age of 15 who were administered a CT Scan from 1996 to 2010including just over 4.8M child years of observation. The researchers used The Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation II Report for most major cancers that was published by the National Cancer Institute. (Find it here: NCI) The researchers were able to conduct...

There was a post today on twitter from @HCDMagazine in regards to the $200M Proton Cancer Center that Emory Healthcare and Winship Cancer Institute broke ground on today. It will be 100,ooo+ sq ft facility with at least 5 treatment rooms and can accommodate about 2200 cancer patients/year. The question I have is in regards to healthcare in general. If we are moving from a world of fee for service (pay per click) towards a world...

The site has been hidden since 3.2009. It is time to bring it back to the masses. The world has changed a lot in 4 years. There is more content, there are more choices, and there is more "noise" for healthcare organizations, providers, patients, and family members. I have changed as well. I have had the ability to run a few new businesses, work for a major corporation, lead a couple of programs, assist on a few...

A new article that was published yesterday on CNNmoney.com is talking about Cyberknife and its effectiveness in treating prostate cancer. They announced yesterday that more then a 1000 men have now been treated with their Cyberknife technoology for prostate cancer. In a former blog of mine, I discuss more about what is Cyberknife, and how it works. You can find that post in my Archives, or follow this link: Cyberknife.   In my article discussing Cyberknife...